Velo Carrier

VeloCARRIER is a city logistic company and known as a German-wide partner for same-day-delivery, first- and last-mile transports on bikes. The company accomplishes the process of sending packages per bike form sender to receiver on the same day.

Technologies Used: Android SDK 23.0.1

Client: JUSI GMBH Germany.



  • In their system, developed in cooperation with us, the customer can tell VeloCARRIER from where to where he wants to send a package of a specific size.
  • The System will inform the driver nearest to the customer, he will pick up the package and deliver it to the customer’s desired address.
  • The specialty of this project, the driver can scan the barcode and take a printout of the invoice using a mobile printer. The administration is constantly able to track the driver’s location using GPS.
  • For more information about the company please visit:

Technical Details:    Java 1.6, XML, SQLite

Velo Carrier

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